Manie Manie Meikyu Monogatari

Title:Manie Manie Meikyu Monogatari
Manie Manie - The Labyrinth Tales
Manie-Manie 迷宮物語
Keywords: , , , , , , , , ,
Notables: Animation - Madhouse
OTOMO Katsuhiro
R1 License - ADV (Renamed)
Rin Taro
A collection of the short science-fiction stories by Rintaro, Yoshiaki Kawajiri, and Katsuhiro Otomo.
(Summary Courtesy of Anime News Network)

An anthology of three animated shorts made together into a movie and released on September 25, 1987.
Animated by Madhouse Studios
Licensed by ADV Films. Formerly licensed by Streamline Pictures in the 1990s.
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Rent 9 9 9 7 7 Ggultra2764 [series:2652#1552]
This anthology of three sci-fi anime shorts offer some engaging entertainment for an hour and were directed by acclaimed anime directors of the time period. Here are my thoughts on each of the shorts within Neo-Tokyo:

  1. Labyrinth- Sort of a fantasy-like focus on a young girl and her cat who venture through various surreal sights and led around by a mysterious clown. Character designs are a bit on the simple side, but the sights witnessed by the girl make for the animation highlight as her surroundings keep changing at each turn from seeing the populace of a city being nothing but skeletons to the mentioned clown inviting her into a circus tent. Appears to be the least story-driven of the three films as Labyrinth is more fixated on getting you hooked onto its sights.
  2. Running Man- Tells a story of a race car driver experiencing a literal case of physical and mental breakdown as he gets hooked on the highly dangerous and popular Death Races popular in his time period. The most visually impressive of the three shorts as there is plenty of detail in the designs of scenery, characters and the insides of the cars driven in the dangerous races. Animation is quite fluid here as the movement of the cars in the races are quite fast and you get to actually see the breakdowns of the cars and their drivers as they experience the immense speeds of the races they take part in.
  3. The Order to Stop Construction- The comedy of this trio focused on a bureaucrat trying to halt a building project being organized by a bunch of malfunctioning robots. The most story-driven of the trio as well where you get to see the increasing breakdown of both bureaucrat and robots as the former becomes increasingly frustrated by the negligence of the robots of their deterioration and the robot foreman literally breaking down in its programming. A great amount of detail is put into the designs of mecha and buildings as you witness the destruction of buildings caused by the unstable robots and the wear and tear of the robots.
If you are an animation enthusiast or a big sap for animated film collections such as this, then Neo-Tokyo is definitely worth a look.

Last updated Thursday, November 22 2012. Created Thursday, November 22 2012.

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