Moyashimon (Live Action)

Title:Moyashimon (Live Action)
Tales of Agriculture (Live Action)
もやしもん (Live Action)
Keywords: , , , , ,
Tadayasu Sawaki was born with an unique ability: He can see and communicate with bacteria and other micro-organisms - in fact they consider him to be their friend and are quite noisy. Together with his childhood friend, Kei, he starts a new year off as a first-year student at an Agricultural College. But none of his experiences so far could prepare him for college life!!

?? episodes (30min each)

See also the 2007 animate series - Moyashimon.
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Unevaluated Jan-Chan [series:2361#967]
Same basic story as both the manga and the 2007 anime series, but with a lot quicker pace. Chunks of the original story has been dropped or edited out, probably based on the assumption that you are already familiar with the tale.

What's left is a story of a boy with a special ability walking off of the farm to attend an agricultural college. The special effects used to bring the micro-organisms to life are great.

If you enjoyed the wackiness of the original series, then you might want to put this on your to-watch list.

Last updated Wednesday, August 25 2010. Created Monday, July 19 2010.

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