Shinseiki GPX Cyber Formula

Title:Shinseiki GPX Cyber Formula
Cyber Formula GPX
New Century Grand Prix Cyber Formula
Keywords: , , , , ,
Notables: Animation - SUNRISE
R1 License - Bandai (Defunct)
Cyber Formula is the future of Gran Prix auto racing whese a mix of skilled driving and advance technology ulimately who wins and loses. Kazami Hayato accidentally becomes the driver for team Sugo when his imprint is registered to the Asurada GSX. Can he compete with the best racers in the world?
37 episodes
[edit] The ↗Future GPX Cyber Formula franchise:
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Rent 7 7 8 7 8 8 Big Fire [series:1545#2441]
I sort of liked Cyber Formula GPX. I like character development, and I think it is cool when the person's vehilce which in this case is a racecar, gets a boost during the series. So i liked that part. I also liked the different characters that were involved in the show. What I didn't like was the art, yes it was 1991 art, and it was made for TV, but it just didn't work for me... I also didn't like how the Asurada begin with... but hey, the story is good, and if you like racing, with a hint of the future...Then the cyber formula series is the only game in town...

Last updated Sunday, March 11 2007. Created Sunday, March 11 2007.

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