Questions about To Aru Majutsu no Index

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03/14/2010 07:56 AM

Reviews: 74
Posts: 17

I am currently rewatching the series, paying greater attention to the details, and I've got a few querries. In case I missed some things out, I want to see if anyone can point them out.

1. During Angel's Fall arc, Tsuchimikado used magic and had blood spewing out of his orifices. Later, when it turned out that he survived the ordeal, he explained that his level 0 ability is body regeneration. Isn't the definition of level 0 not having any ability whatsoever, as Komoe sensei has explained? Or did the liar just lie?

2. During Misaka Imouto arc (episode 13), Komoe sensei was explaining the concept of ESPers to Index and Deep Blood. She said, "Those who have RSPK syndrome or poltergeist, are kids who cannot interpret things properly due to mental stress or damage. So our experiments involving special abilities, we have been trying to free humans from reality in many ways." I understand this to mean that normal people may suffer from RSPK syndrom or poltergeist, causing them to interpret reality differently. The ESPer project tries to emulate this to free normal humans from reality, allowing them to have superpowers. However, this is very different from RSPK syndrome and the poltergeist events in To Aru Kagaku no Railgun, which is something along the lines of espers unconsciously manifesting their powers.

3. Index told Touma that she could not use magic. But that was a lie by the church. She could in fact use many powerful spells, at least until Touma cancelled the spell cast on her by the church. So in theory, Index, being a non-esper, could use magic, which she knows a lot about. So she could be a very powerful mage, and be a force to be reckoned with. However, throughout the rest of the series, she is basically a powerless and helpless library. Why is it so?

Edited on 03/15/2010 10:17 AM.

Devil Doll

03/14/2010 02:38 PM

Reviews: 365
Posts: 1574

"Every psychic has a rank that determines how powerful their powers are and how much they can control it. There are six levels, with level 0 being the lowest for no powers or having passive powers with no control over them." So Tsuchimikado's ability apparently works in a similar way as the "imagine breaker" of Touma (who is also "level 0" and unable to "switch off" his ability).

Index degrading quickly to a mere mascot is one of the questionable elements of this anime; sources about later novels indicate that at some stage beyond the scope of the first series her character will become more influential again when she returns to England so there is some hope about this for potential sequels.


03/14/2010 09:55 PM

Reviews: 74
Posts: 17

Ah, thanks a lot DD for answering/explaining 2 of my questions.


03/14/2010 10:22 PM

Reviews: 599
Posts: 593

item 2 - RSPK syndrome or poltergeists

The sequel/sidestory To Aru Kagaku no Railgun goes into depth about the poltergeists and their causes. In fact it proves to be a central theme to the entire series.


03/15/2010 12:43 AM

Reviews: 478
Posts: 532

Don't forget about AIM girl, it details why they are trying to kill her


03/15/2010 10:16 AM

Reviews: 74
Posts: 17

In episode 20 of To Aru Kagaku no Railgun, Yomikawa (jan) sensei said in her briefing, (with some paraphrasing and summarizing) RSPK is a condition where espers lose control over themselves, resulting in an uncontrolled outburst of power. Simulatneous outbreaks of RSPK will result in poltergeist. VS Komoe sensei's : Those who have RSPK syndrome or poltergeist, are kids who cannot interpret things properly due to mental stress or damage.

Komoe sensei was explaining how espers work, hence this statement in that context is most likely explaining the condition which scientist are trying to emulate on a large scale to produce espers. Even if this is not the case, what is said by Komoe sensei is still vastly different from what Yomikawa sensei briefed antiskill and judgement

Edited on 03/17/2010 12:57 AM.


03/15/2010 08:31 PM

Reviews: 478
Posts: 532

Yes but Yomikawa didn't want them to know all the details..hehe

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