Current Fav List - Chapter 9

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02/28/2010 12:54 AM

Reviews: 244
Posts: 514

Take it for what it is...

Here is the current breakdown of the guidelines:

*The intent is to provide an easy click space for visitors to access new series (or titles).
*Titles must be currently airing in Japan (or the pacific rim) or being fansubbed.
*Once licensed, the title should be removed from the list.
*Once a title completes airing overseas and being fansubbed, it should be removed within a week.
*Titles shall be decided by popular vote as presented and discussed in the forum.
*If two senior reviewers are in agreement, then a title can be added.

The list is to be sorted by (also can be used as "removal criteria"):

*General potential - debatable
*Enthusiasm by senior reviewers - debatable
*Frequency of updates

Here is the current list:

Omamori Himari
Ladies vs. Butlers!
Dance In The Vampire Bund
Fairy Tail
Nodame Cantabile: Finale
Seikon no Qwaser
Spirited Away by the Wolf
Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn
Kimi ni Todoke
Letter Bee
A Certain Scientific Railgun
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Baka To Test
Cross Game

The ANIME LINE-UP for this spring season looks rather ..... depressing.


02/28/2010 01:08 AM

Reviews: 244
Posts: 514

The titles that were quick to strike my eye:

Angel Beats! - 'nuff said'
D.C. Da Capo Ext - the road that never ends gets a recap (think Shuffle! Memories) with extended content
KissXSis (TV) - no explanation needed
Ikkitousen: Xtreme Xecutor - won't hold my breath


03/01/2010 02:08 AM

Reviews: 478
Posts: 532

Mayoi Neko Overrun is a harem. So that's my must see
Angel Beats isn't Kyo-Ani...we are about to find out if it's KEY or KYO that makes it so good.
And Maid Sama was a funny Manga

Reading a blog someone is also subbing the above 3 and B Gata H Kei which is about a girl who wants to be a slut? Hmmm.

Edited on 03/01/2010 02:50 PM.


03/01/2010 11:39 AM

Reviews: 2087
Posts: 1346

These are just first impressions based on the line-up page, and I may be totally off, but these shows caught my eye:
Arakawa Under The Bridge seems to have a fairly unusual premise, i.e, romance with a homeless girl.
The rRebecca premise of B Gata H Kei might be good.
Kaichou wa Maid-sama! might be amusing or it could suck to hell and back; at least it will have maids.
...and of course I'll be watching the continuations of K-on! and Koihime Musou. It used to be that the Spring and Fall seasons seemed to get by far the most and the best shows, while the Summer and Winter ones were mainly the second half of 26 episode series plus a few 13-ers to fill the gaps. But I found last Fall to be disappointing while the Winter season seems to be pretty good. It seems less unusual to begin 26 episode series in the 'off' seasons nowadays.


04/12/2010 09:21 AM

Reviews: 74
Posts: 17

The more hopeful ones so far are, IMO, K ON!!, Angel Beats!, Kaicho Wa Maid Sama, Ichiban Ushiro no Daimaoh, and Hakuouki.


04/12/2010 10:33 AM

Reviews: 2087
Posts: 1346

I think my favorites so far are Ichiban UnD, Maid-sama, and K-ON2, plus Mayoi Neko Overrun, Otome Tairan and B Gata H Kei as a second-string. Somehow Arakawa didn't really appeal to my sense of humor. I still haven't made up my mind about Angel Beats.


04/12/2010 12:02 PM

Reviews: 478
Posts: 532

my is BGHK, Uichiban, Kon2, Maid, plus Mayoi and Arakawa and Angel Beats.

Mayoi should've been a shoe in but I've read the manga and maybe that spoiled me. Angel Beats seems to be a 'what is Haruhi died and went to heaven' kind of rip off series to me.

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