Censors incite the wrath of a Qwaser...

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01/17/2010 11:35 AM

Reviews: 244
Posts: 514

Here is an interesting take by way of a recent article I've stumbled across. I'll take the liberty of emphasizing the important notes with bold highlights:

The TV broadcast of induced lactation anime Seikon no Qwaser has incensed fans by broadcasting a second episode even more heavily censored than the first, with scenes of skies and ceiling replacing anything with so much as a hint of sex.

Deliberately censoring TV broadcasts to increase DVD sales is an established tactic, but some are starting to wonder whether this excessive censorship is actually a cunning marketing ploy designed to stoke outrage amongst fans, ensuring further publicity and driving fans onto the online and uncensored “Director’s Cut” version?

It seems to be working...

That about sums everything up at once. If you ask me, I think a little goes a long way, especially when you believe that something is always better than nothing...


01/17/2010 01:07 PM

Reviews: 2087
Posts: 1346

I've downloaded from chibi-Doki fansubs what claims to be an "uncensored webcast" of episode one, but I haven't watched it yet. I'm curious to see if the uncensored stuff will just be pornographic trash or if it will actually add something of value to the show. If I remember right, episode one didn't really introduce the concept of Qwasers needing breast milk for some reason, but if somebody is producing uncensored webcasts, maybe once that happens we'll get the full monty (for better or for worse).

Edited on 01/17/2010 01:11 PM.


01/17/2010 01:46 PM

Reviews: 244
Posts: 514

It'll be for the better regardless. Anything (even the fog cover-ups) is better then the camera flying off in multiple directions as if to spit in the viewer's face.

My sources have a few places where the Director's cut (uncensored) can be found. I've seen ep 1 already and it was very tasteful fan-service. I didn't think it was forced or flaunted in anyway like some other titles, but that isn't saying much as this ep (only the first one) had only 3 questionable scenes.

It all depends on how well they balance the ecchi material with the story and action. Only time will tell...

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