ANB - proposal for Tenchi series.

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01/15/2008 05:54 PM

Reviews: 599
Posts: 593

Hey ANB....

I would like to make the following review changes to the Tenchi series, but I would like to hear from you (and any others) first.

Tenchi Muyo Ryo-Ohki (1992- 6Ep OVA)
Tenchi Muyo Ryo-Ohki 2 (1993- 6Ep OVA)
Tenchi Muyo The Night Before The Carnival (1993- 1Ep OVA)
Tenchi Muyo Ryo-Ohki 3 (2003- 6Ep OVA)
Tenchi Muyo Ryo-Ohki 3+1 (2005- 1Ep OVA)
Tenchi Muyo Mihoshi Special (1994- 1Ep OVA)

Tenchi Muyo (1995- 26Ep TV)
Tenchi in Tokyo (1997- 26Ep TV)
Tenchi Muyou GXP (2002- 26Ep TV)

Tenchi Muyo In Love (1996-Movie)
Tenchi Muyo: The Daughter of Darkness(1997-Movie)
Tenchi Muyo In Love 2 (1999-Movie)

And see spin off series -

Magical Girl Pretty Sammy (1995-3 Ep OVA)
Magical Girl Pretty Sammy (1996-26 Ep TV)


01/15/2008 06:00 PM

Reviews: 599
Posts: 593

Hummm ... no PREVIEW for a new posting....So here is the 'cleaned up' series posting.

TM Ryo-Ohki (1992- 6Ep OVA)
TM Ryo-Ohki 2 (1993- 6Ep OVA)
TM - The Night Before The Carnival (1993- 1Ep OVA)
TM Ryo-Ohki 3 (2003- 6Ep OVA)
TM Ryo-Ohki 3+1 (2005- 1Ep OVA)
TM Mihoshi Special (1994- 1Ep OVA)

Tenchi Muyo (1995- 26Ep TV)
Tenchi in Tokyo (1997- 26Ep TV)
Tenchi Muyou GXP (2002- 26Ep TV)

Tenchi Muyo In Love (1996-Movie)
TM The Daughter of Darkness(1997-Movie)
Tenchi Muyo In Love 2 (1999-Movie)

And see spin off series -

Magical Girl Pretty Sammy (1995-3 Ep OVA)
Magical Girl Pretty Sammy (1996-26 Ep TV)


01/15/2008 07:59 PM

Reviews: 423
Posts: 406

You need to add two more spinoff titles:

Sasami: Mahou Shoujo Club
Sasami: Mahou Shoujo Club 2

Also, for this franchise, I think you need to do a swap. Mihoshi Special isn't canon and so I don't think should be linked with the canon OVA titles. However, Tenchi Muyou! GXP is canon and is a direct spinoff-sequel to Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki OAV 3 plus 1. I know that breaks up your grouping of OAV's, TV series, and movies together but I feel that for this franchise, this is the best approach.

Are you proposing making new pages for "OVA 2" and "Night Before Carnival?"


01/15/2008 08:50 PM

Reviews: 599
Posts: 593

Hey, ANB ....

You starting something with the Aa! Megami-sama! TV series that I thought was good.

With that in mind, I am just trying to bring some connectivity between the many Tenchi series/OVAs/spin-offs, but I know that you are more aware of the Tenchi history/chronology than I am.

Pls post your suggested changes to Tenchi Muyou! and then you/I/we can post them to the other Tenchi series/OVAs/spin-offs.

You have been very attentive to (owning or) making numerous postings to the Tenchi series, so I just wanted to run such (major) changes by you first.

Tx for the feed-back.


01/15/2008 08:59 PM

Reviews: 599
Posts: 593

Oh .. FYI ... I had to use a generic keyword posting of 'TENCHI' to ANIDB, which led me to create a new TENCHI posting of Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki Special Bangaihen.

If I am wrong then pls correct me.

Devil Doll

01/16/2008 02:59 PM

Reviews: 365
Posts: 1574

If Rebecca implemented the "franchise" field in anime reviews then we would be able to write "franchise lists" (like the one in this thread) by e. g. using the FAQ mechanism, and get them embedded into every single anime of the franchise without the need to maintain them in any number of locations...


01/17/2008 10:11 AM

Reviews: 423
Posts: 406

@Jan-Chan -- done. ^^ I reckon I'll have to write a review for the special now. ^^

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