Title: | Cutie Honey (TV) |
Episode: | 3: The Red Axe Lays a Trap |
Synopsis | |
Sister Jill assigns the task of securing the elemental manipulation device and disposing of Honey Kisaragi to "Tomohawk Panther". Honey learns from TV that a branch office of a world-renowned jeweler has appeared overnight in Tokyo, and millions of Yen worth of jewelry will be given away on opening day. Posing as a reporter, she slips inside and asks the female manager for an interview, only to find that she is strangely averse to cameras. The one photo she managed to get reveals why... | |
Comments | |
I'll bet a lot of people are wondering why I am so eager to watch this show, made back in the days when the plots of TV episodes apparently weren't expected to make a whole lot of sense. Perhaps it's precisely because these episodes are so ridiculous (and it wasn't entirely an accident) that I enjoy them so much! |