Final Approach - 6: A Great Shock!! The Result of Love and Sorrow

Title:Final Approach
Episode:6: A Great Shock!! The Result of Love and Sorrow
Ryo and Ojo have been spending a lot of time together, but Shizuka says she doesn't mind since she is confident that she and Ryo were destined for one another and at heart their connection is stronger than to anyone else. So she'll let this pretend romance play itself out, since intervening would only make him more stubborn. After a day at the zoo with Ojo, Ryo wonders how Shizuka knew where he had been. He is appalled by the secret she reveals, which he sees as an invasion of Ojo's privacy as well as his own.
Stretch 5/1/05:
I'm not sure whose side to take. Since Ojo has declared her intention to go through with an arranged marriage, the dates she is going on with Ryo can't be very serious. On the other hand, though Shizuka is careful not to directly interfere with the ways Ryo spends his time, finding out that I had been under continual hi-tech surveilance would give me the creeps.

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