Title: | Midori no Hibi |
Episode: | 9: Everyday |
Synopsis | |
Seiji catches Shuichi Takamizawa trailing him and Midori and snapping pictures of them. It turns out that Shuichi has created a highly popular Midori-chan internet website! He agrees to close it down if Seiji and Midori will help him sell a mountain of Midori paraphenalia at a doujinshi convention. Later, Takamizawa tells Seiji that he has fallen in love with a real girl and pleads for his advice. Midori feels sorry for him, and begs Seiji to help out, and he reluctantly agrees... | |
Comments | |
Quite possibly the best episode yet of the series! It's funny in all sorts of ways--there are numerous misunderstandings, it pokes fun at several anime-related hobbies, and is relatively unpredictable, too. |