Koutetsu Tenshi Kurumi - 17: We've Arrived in Izumo!

Title:Koutetsu Tenshi Kurumi
Episode:17: We've Arrived in Izumo!
SPOILER: In Izumo at last, Karinka and Kurumi are competing for Nakahito's attention. A priestess, Nadeshiko, recognizes the three angels and leads the party to a temple, underneath which Dr. Ayanokoji's secret lab is located. She too is an angel, and says this is where they were originally supposed to have been awakened. She also says they were built by the "Academy", a group of scientists (including Ayanokoji) who came from the future to alter history. Ayanokoji deserted from the academy because he wanted to use angels to protect humanity. Later, Karinka boasts to Kurumi that Nakahito kissed her, and claims he loves her. Nakahito is walking alone on the seashore that night when a strange boy appears and asks him to loan him his powers as a mystic. Nakahito's eyes go blank and he walks off with the stranger.
This story is getting steadily more weird. Now time travel enters the plot. Still, I'm enjoying it.

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