Boys Be - 6: Summer: I Want to Give You the Blue Sky - BASEBALL LOVERS

Title:Boys Be
Episode:6: Summer: I Want to Give You the Blue Sky - BASEBALL LOVERS
Yoshihiko spends his time in the arcade instead of practizing, much to the annoyance of his baseball coach. Brought back to the sports field by the assistant coach, Yoshihiko suddenly faces a challenge by his exact counterpart, team manager Horikawa, who prefers baseball practice [image1] over a third meal every day. It's just that noone had the guts so far to tell Horikawa that the finals at the Koushien stadium will be nothing but a dream for her, as female players aren't allowed in the league.
After the training session Yoshihiko watches Horikawa continuing her practicing all alone - and she thanks Yoshihiko for taking her seriously during the practice. Now Yoshihiko joins her extra training session, and they both enjoy it. Finally Yoshihiko tells Horikawa about the league rules... and the girl bursts into tears [image2].
Being so complementary in respect to motivation and perspectives provides a basis for a long conversation - and in the end it is Horikawa trying to cheer up Yoshihiko, and rooting for him on his way to Koushien. In fact the West High school team pass the quarter finals, and after the game Horikawa has a special present [image3] for Yoshihiko that raises fears for both Aki and Yumi.
And then in the semi finals game Yoshihiko takes a dead ball... gone are his dreams about the finals, as he's ordered not to move his injured arm [image4] for a while. He's about to resign from baseball for good - but then Horikawa shows him a way how he can still participate at Koushien.
After the final game Yoshihiko loses his motivation to do anything in particular. But guess who is at his side once again, urging him to try another practicing method [image5] to stay in shape for the next season... [image6]
[2005-04-15, Devil Doll]:
No, not the sixth character of the gang this time, but more of Yoshihiko instead.
Still very few comedy elements this time, except for Yumi and Aki misunderstanding Horikawa's present. Most of this episode is reasonable character development plus beautiful music. Yoshihiko and Natsue couldn't be more different, and maybe the senpai cliché is being a little overused here, but it is just refreshing to watch this charming episode.


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