Juuni Kokuki - 45: The Koya Issue

Title:Juuni Kokuki
Episode:45: The Koya Issue
Koya, a young boy without parents, grows up as child of a demon. This demon feeds on humans, and Koya as a child appears to be bothered but can't do anything against it.

When Koya is grown-up, he works for province leader Atsuyu, and without Atsuyu knowing he actively feeds humans to his demon, indiscriminately and without mercy.

At the end of the arc, when Atsuyu died and Koya loses power and influence, he doesn't regret his actions in the least. But what's more, the King of his country doesn't punish him, he grants him to "create a country where even beings like Koya and his demon can live"...
[2008-07-10, Devil Doll]
Come on, really. Not punishing Koya is one thing, but pitying him is quite something else.

Where would it be that Koya could ever live, practicing his current life style (nobody said a word about changing it)? Who would be the people to be fed to that demon? And how could the King claim to be a good one when he would allow that his people were fed to a demon, even more so when the most important aspect of the very existence of a King is to protect his people against demons!?

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