Title: | Silent Mobius |
Episode: | 8: Yes, My Master! |
Synopsis | |
Episode 08: Yes, My Master / 継承 = Keishou = The Succession Once again a Lucifer Hawk tries to make Katsumi side with him, when her dagger suddenly turns against her and she gets hurt. Later, Katsumi hears a powerful voice that she cannot but follow. | |
Comments | |
Spoilers ahead - beware! - - - - - - - - - - Ganossa Maximilian is drinking coffee, when the liquid suddenly turns into the LH1 we've seen in contact with Katsumi twice before. While they talk, the LH1 understands that Ganossa is going to "let the seal break", which may cost many lives ... after the LH1 disappeared, Ganossa smiles. The LH1 confronts Katsumi, asking her to follow him to Nemesis for the third time. AMP strikes at the LH1 with all they have, but the LH1 even stands off Katsumis spell and tells her not to toy around: All she has to do would be re-open the gate, being her father's successor. Suddenly Katsumi's dagger runs wild, attacking both her and the LH1, who disappears swiftly. Katsumi's nervous system is severely damaged; once again the AMP serves duty protecting her at the hospital ... Rally orders thorough examination what happened with that dagger. In a dream Katsumi asks her father why he did what he did. Roy de Vice is standing next to her bed, holding her hand. Ganossa Maximilian watches the LH1 healing his wounds and announcing to take the "key" (as he calls Katsumi) tonight. Then the LH1 attacks the police station, but this time the AMP is prepared. Ganossa is more interested in watching a large stone pillar ... Katsumi hears a loud and dark voice: "Be the successor - seal the pact!" The voice drags her away, and neither amulets nor the AMP girls can stop her when she grabs one of their spinners, flying into the night. At that moment, the LH1 takes notice of her, and quits his attack. The LH1 has spotted Katsumi, but right then Rally's Simurgh attacks and stuns him. Meanwhile, the examination results are that Katsumi's power now exceeds the one of the dagger, which then failed to protect her any more. Now Rally understands who might be commanding Katsumi ... and tries to prevent the LH1 from moving. Katsumi looks up to the stone pillar; the voice ask her to free him, being "Sword Emperor Grospolina", who recognizes his former master's "next generation". After he convinced Katsumi that her father didn't take Nemesis' side in the fight 20 years ago, she frees him - just in time before the LH1 arrives, who finally broke free from the AMP's simurgh. And now, armed with Grospolina, Katsumi is more than a worthy opponent to this Lucifer Hawk ... Grospolina tells Rally she has quite grown up since back then. Rally suddenly has a scary feeling - we see some female figure out there in the dark ... Stretch: Katsumi acquires her signature weapon; no doubt there will be important implications from this. For the time being, however, this episode didn't thrill me, as I'm getting a little impatient with the cryptic comments of the L Hawks and lame fights with them. One thing that was frustrating was that Maximillian seemed to be communicating psychically with the L Hawk so his lips weren't moving and it was difficult to tell who was saying what (not to mention what they meant). One good touch is the suggestion that there is a good deal of infighting and mistrust among the hawks ("Did you come to mock me?"), rather than them being a mindless army of creatures that merely do what they are told. Also, that strange "voices" aren't necessarily those of the hawks. |