Silent Mobius - 20: Love

Title:Silent Mobius
Episode:20: Love
Episode 20: LOVE / 愛 = Ai = Love

Katsumi and Roy struggle to escape from Ganossa, and in so doing realize their love for one another. But their problems have just begun...
Beware of spoilers!

Well, this episode didn't exactly bring me to tears, but it was more powerful than most. More powerful than usual but still not quite thrilling, I would say. Rally's comment that "Our greatest enemy has been born" suggests that Katsumi may have freaked out and become a threat to AMP and humanity--sort of like what happened in Night Wizard. It's hard to see how she would side with the Hawks, more likely she now wants to exterminate them without mercy, which in some strange way is just what Ganossa wants.

Devil Doll:
I did like Night Wizard as well, it just lacked deep characters. Silent Möbius (which is 9 years older, the manga even 15 years), sola and Kannazuki no Miko are all better in this aspect while all telling a similar story. And let me remind you that there will be tons of parallels between Silent Möbius and Evangelion. For example, there will be a whiny Shinji equivalent you wouldn't guess in your wildest dreams... any bets who will become the hero of this show?

What I liked best about this episode was the use of sound (and the lack of it) during the climax sequence (giving the first ED song "Silently" an unexpected new 'place', this song won't appear again in this series), making this part even more powerful. It's true that the episode wasn't bringing the audience to tears, mostly because they most have been exhausted before the end already. In a way I was oddly relieved that the torture was over... for a while, that is. Ganossa has found what he was looking for, the first weak spot in AMP's defense. Actually we've seen the 'gimmick' responsible for the next development already, you just don't know yet how it works...

As for the 30 seconds previews at the end of each episode, beware:
Preview for episode 21: slightly spoilerish

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