Haibane Renmei - 9: Well - Rebirth - Riddle

Title:Haibane Renmei
Episode:9: Well - Rebirth - Riddle
While the other Haibane search for Rakka in the snow of the night, the girl finds a helping hand from an unexpected side once again. And even after having escaped from the well [image1], having touched the wall [image2] and understanding the meaning of her dream [image3], there is still a riddle to be solved before she can find forgiveness for her sin. But with her friends desperatedly searching for her [image4], first of all she needs to survive... [image5]
(Devil Doll, 2004-01-05):
This episode reveals that the Haibane Renmei is so much more than just a trade organisation. Rakka makes great progress, although her problems are far from being solved.
If this series were just a story about Rakka it might as well end here. But there is still a lot to come, as the foreshadowing of the closing scene [image6] indicates...
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