Title: | Haibane Renmei |
Episode: | 11: Parting - Darkness in the heart - Something irreplacable |
Synopsis | |
One of the kids named Dai (whom the Old Home people have taken care of) has to return to the Abandoned Factory, and Rakka brings him there [image1]. But neither Midori [image2] nor Reki [image4] are willing to tell her what happened to separate these two groups of Haibane that once used to be friends.
After her work in the temple, Washi tells Rakka that Reki is waiting for her [image3]. And when Rakka visits the library to report that Nemu is ill and can't come today, Sumika shows her an ancient book of stone [image5] with strange, unknown symbols... which Rakka has seen before. | |
Comments | |
(Devil Doll, 2004-01-05):
This episode shows how much the fates of Rakka and Reki are intertwined now: Reki used to help Rakka, but doesn't allow being helped by anyone; Rakka used to rely on Reki and has to face now how high a price she'll have to pay [image6] as to actually help her. There are so many things to be resolved in the final two episodes, and the narration speed will have to increase even more to handle all of it. And what a cliffhanger the final scene is - now time is running low! - - - - - - - - - - |