86 (S2) - 14: Glad to Be Here

Title:86 (S2)
Episode:14: Glad to Be Here
The five Spearhead veterans (and an unexpected sixth one) are assigned to the 'Nordricht Squadron' under Lt. Col. Grethe Wenzel. Eugene doesn't last long, but Shin may have made some sort of vow to look after his little sister. Their new comrades soon become suspicious of Shin, as rumors of his reputation as 'The Grim Reaper' in the San Magnolia military have somehow reached Giad. Frederica serves as the unit's human 'mascot', apparently a Giad tradition meant to remind soldiers of the people they are fighting for. I had expected an 'Empress' to serve a higher purpose than this. There are no signs of her supposed psychic powers or guilt about how the war began. We learn that the war of attrition against the Legion isn't going well for Giad. Maybe when President Zimerman described the five as potential replacements, he meant nothing more than five experienced mecha pilots. I began to wonder what the relationship between fighting soldiers and high ranking officers is in the Giad military, and whether it is much better than in San Magnolia. All things considered, nothing really radical happened in this episode. I wonder what Lena has been up to; surely Shin and the others won't just be ordinary soldiers in a foreign country, and sooner or later Lena will learn that they are still alive.

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