86 (S2) - 13: It's Too Late

Title:86 (S2)
Episode:13: It's Too Late
After several months of being free to enjoy the relatively peaceful life in the Federacy, the Spearhead survivors realize that what they really want is to return to the war against the Legion. This could have been depicted better; I started wondering if these five had been brainwashed somehow and were not really capable of free will. I think they'll be joining the Giad military, not returning to San Magnolia. Shin meets silver-haired Eugene Rantz, a citizen of Giad who also intends to enlist. There was no sign of the deception that I thought I had detected in the first episode. As is often the case with 86, I was thrown for a loop by the revelations made by Federica. She's actually a psychic of some sort? And has a personal problem similar to the one between Shin and his brother? Should I take the bit about her being the one who started the war seriously? And she wants to be a soldier, too (can children enlist in the Federacy?)? This episode had been looking pretty good until all of these left-field revelations bewildered me. This show seems to have a habit of stretching the degree to which its viewers can suspend disbelief a little farther than it should.

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