Mirai Nikki - 10: Family Plan

Title:Mirai Nikki
Episode:10: Family Plan
I liked episode ten, the first half of which is devoted to one-eyed girl Minene Uryu. In spite of the insane persona she started out with, she is being developed into a major character and I'm starting to like her. The part where the cheeky Murmur, an assistant to Deus Ex Machina, retells part of her story was amusing. Mr. Detective is clearly screwing with Yukki and Yuno, but exactly why is unclear, which is intriguing. The second half of the episode is devoted to Yukki and Yuno, and a major puzzle piece falls into place as it finally becomes clear why Yuno is sometimes sweet and kind, and sometimes vicious and hateful. Perhaps one reason I enjoyed this episode was because there weren't any major fights, which tend to be confusing and poorly played out. As usual, the comedy omake segment after the credits was good, too. Some episodes of Mirai Nikki leave me dubious about the wisdom of watching the show, but others just as quickly revive my interest.

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