Title: | Mirai Nikki |
Episode: | 08: New Model |
Comments | |
Stretch: The characters are sometimes amusing, as they do crazy and unexpected things, but the action itself is confusing and implausible. Or maybe I should say that the story isn't told with much skill. When you are trying to explain something to another person, you can talk forever but unless you choose the right words in the right sequence it may all go to waste. The same goes for anime. The gimicks that are used to overcome seemingly hopeless situations sometimes come abruptly out of nowhere, and thereby are hard to take seriously. Sometimes it's hard to even tell what just happened. Sometimes I can only roll my eyes at the simplistic, patronizing manner in which events unfold, with absurd coincidences and unrealistic reasoning by Yukki and others. It's easier to believe that a good manga got a not-so-good anime than that this story was never very clever to begin with, because there are distinct signs of talent scattered about the humdrum stuff. Fortunately, the long-term plot still holds my interest as I wonder where all this is leading to. |