Title: | Mirai Nikki |
Episode: | 02: Terms of the Contract |
Comments | |
Stretch: 'Suspending disbelief' is an important step in watching shows with extremely unlikely premises. You must assume that such a thing really is possible and set aside your doubts so that you can concentrate on the story. But when things which could never happen in a million years are played to you with little or no plausible explanation, it becomes hard to do this. Such is the case with Mirai Nikki. Someone has slipped into Amano's school and rigged countless motion-triggered bombs all over the building? A motorcycle appears out of nowhere when the villain-of-the-week needs a quick escape route (did she have that hidden under her skirt as well?)? This episode ended in such an absurd and corny manner that I couldn't help laughing, even though it's safe to say that that wasn't the response the makers were hoping for. Yet the story is so outlandish that I can't help being curious where it will go. There seems to be a team forming, composed of several competitors who don't really want to be the God of Time and Space, and that is realistic for once. There was no sign of Deus Ex Machina or anybody else from his realm, in this episode. |