Title: | Ookami to Koushinryou - Season 2 |
Episode: | 11: "Wolf and the Decision to Part" ("Ōkami to Wakare no Ketsui") (狼と別れの決意) |
Synopsis |
The trading company wishing to purchase Holo proposes to pay with 60 gold coins instead of 2,000 silver coins because of their inability to procure the necessary silver, and Lawrence agrees to the deal. While celebrating the deal, Eve reveals she had been purchased and married to a merchant. She tells Lawrence and Holo to cherish their experiences together. Back at the inn, Holo suggests they should end their journey after she is sold since Lawrence has almost realized his dream of becoming a shop owner, and Lawrence's efforts to dissuade her fail. |
Comments |
[2011-03-03, Devil Doll]
Just listing the main hints that have been given about what's going on here:
- The church in this town is way too rich for what they would be given their known actions but ambitious enough to need a lot more money for their Cathedral project.
- Eve is the only merchant who had a long-term relation to that church, so she must have (had) a special value to the church. She does give us an explanation for this (the concept of stone figures being blessed by the church) but...
- ...that beggar mentioned salt falling down from Eve's carriage.
- And Lawrence mentioned how valuable even salt of lower quality would be in a town far away from the sea (as the river contains only freshwater).
- Lawrence touched that Madonna figure, then licked his finger. (See ↗Halite for details.) And we know that Lawrence has knowledge about chemistry, he used it in previous episodes (e. g. the pyrite deal).
- At this stage we know quite a bit about Eve's character (and the degree of risks she's willing to take) as we've learned about the punishment for her "profession" in earlier episodes. Lawrence did the same once but he was bankrupt back then...
- The decision of the Council of Fifty was so easy to guess that even the red-haired barmaid got it right, so why would the people at Helink Trading not know it, and thus need to only participate in the deal by lending money to a stranger? Eve's connections in town would be a poor excuse as such a large trading company ought to have enough connections by themselves. So either they're incredibly incompetent or they know a lot more than Lawrence does.
Unfortunately all of this only tells us what Eve actually did in the past (and that she lied about it to Lawrence) but not what exactly she's scheming this time, so a lot of the development of the final episode will still appear from nowhere. |