Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor - 4: The Tragedy of L

Title:Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor
Episode:4: The Tragedy of L
After an embarassing performance at a hostage situation in Tokyo, Captain Gotoh orders the SVII personnel to return to the mobile suit training camp. Once there, however, strange things begin to happen. Rumor has it that two months earlier both a pilot trainee and his sister were killed in an accident, and their spirits are haunting this place...
The look on Gotoh's face during the incident in Tokyo was priceless! I watched this episode on a pathetic bootleg tape, which meant I had to pause on nearly every subtitle to re-translate it into the English I understand. What, for example, do you suppose this line meant: "It's not easy that this sincere person of me tried very hard to let him talked" ?

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