Binbou Shimai Monogatari - 4: A Day of Perfume, Asu, and Open House

Title:Binbou Shimai Monogatari
Episode:4: A Day of Perfume, Asu, and Open House
In the waste basket of their room Kyo happens to find a paper saying Asu's school will soon have an Open Day which Asu didn't tell her older sister. Kyo remembers how lonely she felt back then when it was her turn at school and none of her parents came; to prevent Asu from having the same sad experience Kyo tries to find more adult clothes so that she can go there instead of their mother.
The next morning Kyo happens to find a wallet with lots of money, right in front of their house! Would that be the end of the girls' desperate times, and even allow them to buy adult clothes for Kyo so that she could act as Asu's mother at her sister's school? Well... nope. Both girls decide to bring the wallet to the police.
Actually, the owner is a woman living in the same house as the girls; she follows Asu, identifies herself and receives the wallet. Rewarding Asu with her favourite cake and ice cream turns out to be quite difficult, not just because Kyo told Asu not to take anything from strangers but more because Asu wants to share the cake with her sister...
After dinner Kyo takes a visit at this neighbor to thank her for the cake - and as this woman treats her so kindly she dares to ask for lending her adult clothes for a day. Dressed up and perfumed Kyo returns to the sister's room ...
[Devil Doll, 2006-07-31:]
A great episode full of surprises. It's heart-rending to see how much these girls think about each other.

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