Title: | Kore ga Watashi no Goshujin-sama (TV) |
Episode: | 4: Couples Formed Under Extraordinary Circumstances Don't Last Long, You Know |
Synopsis | |
Izumi is awakened by a kiss--but not Yoshitaka's kiss, rather it was Anna-chan, who has taken a job as the third live-in maid. Izumi feels she cannot let Anna (who told her family she was going to a nunnery) live in the same house as that baka Yoshitaka. The strange thing is, it's Izumi who Anna reveres as her "master". Shinji and Mitsuki's "Bodyguard Squad" have entered the house and declared her to be the mansion's new master, which, needless to say, doesn't sit well with Yoshitaka. Mitsuki is tied up and begs for Izumi's help--what the hell is going on...? | |
Comments | |
Having read a couple of other reviews, it occurs to me that there doesn't seem to be much of an ongoing plot to this series so far. Anna is a lesbian? I thought she had a crush on Yoshitaka last time. Does anybody know why I might have been "blacklisted from this server" and cannot download any more episodes of this show?<>/p> AstroNerdBoy -- 5 August 2005 What Pochi did in this episode is so wrong and so funny that I couldn't help but laugh and laugh and laugh. I'll have to get some screen captures up. ^_^ |