Titles Reviewed By Zarathustra

  Name: Zarathustra
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Reviews: 2
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Action(2) Drama(2) Suspense(1)
Acquired Taste(1) Dark(2) Moe(1)
Assassin(s)(1) Gun-action(2) Hentai(1) Violent(2)
Release Year
2003(1) 1998(1)
Title Rating Synopsis
A Kite Rent See Kite
GS Girl Buy See Gunslinger Girl

Gunslinger Girl
Buy Welcome to the Social Welfare Department, also known as Section 2. On the surface, the workers of Section 2 travel from hospital to hospital looking for little girls that have been in serious accidents and are in danger of dying. The MUST not have any surviving family. They take the girls to their special hospital and cure them. Their TRUE purpose is much more sinister. Section 2 is the home of a bunch of Ex Intelligence and Military Personnel and the Gunslinger Girls. Little Girls who have been Altered by Technology to have faster reflexes, perfect hearing and eyesight, and nearly indestructible bodies. They are the assasins of the government, working in the shadows to ensure that the politicians are happy, and therefore no one knows of their existence. Each girl is paired with a handler to which they have sworn absolute loyalty, and are officially known as Fratellos. But technology has a price, and it's something that each little girl has to pay. And sometimes the price can be high.
Gunslinger Girls Buy See Gunslinger Girl

Rent Orphaned at a young age, her parents victims of a brutal double murder, Sawa was taken in by the detective assigned to her case. Not content to just watch as the imperfect justice system lets more and more criminals go loose every day, he decides to train her to be his instrument of justice. After all, who'd suspect a pretty college student of being a deadly vigilante! Now she must decide between her allegiance to her guardian and her loyalty to her one and only friend, a fellow sword of justice.
カイト (Japanese) Rent See Kite

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