List Titles with Original Concept - KOUGA Yun

Title Rating Synopsis

Choujuu Densetsu Geshutaruto
Rent Father Olivier leaves his order to find out the truth about a cursed island and a legend of treachery among the gods. He becomes mixed up with a mysterious mute woman named Ohri, court intrigue, and a competition among super-powerful beings.
Choujuu Densetsu Gestalt Rent See Choujuu Densetsu Geshutaruto

Watch Angels from the planet Eden have been watching Earthians, the inhabitants of Earth, for 5 billion years. Chihaya, an angel with unlucky black hair and wings, is a plus checker who travels to Earth with Kagetsuya, a minus checker. Each team of plus and minus checkers keep track of Earth events and, if the score ever reaches minus 10,000, the Earth will be destroyed. The story follows Chihaya and Kagetsuya and the different people and events they observe on Earth. (summary from ANIDB).
Gestalt Rent See Choujuu Densetsu Geshutaruto

Loveless (TV)
Buy Twelve-year old Aoyagi Ritsuka lost his only kin when his brother, Aoyagi Seimei, was killed under mysterious circumstances. One day, he meets Wagatsuma Soubi, who claims to know his brother. It turns out that Soubi and Seimei used to be a fighting pair, whereby Soubi was the "Fighting Machine" and Seimei was the "Sacrifice". Now that Seimei is gone, Soubi 'belongs' to Ritsuka who will become his new "Sacrifice". After learning that Seimei was killed by an organization known as the "Seventh Moon", Ritsuka decides to join forces with Soubi and investigate the truth behind his brother's death.
Ziemianin Watch See Earthian
アーシアン Watch See Earthian
ラブレス (Japanese) Buy See Loveless (TV)
超獣伝説ゲシュタルト Rent See Choujuu Densetsu Geshutaruto

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