List Titles with ISHIGE Sawa

Title Rating Synopsis
Digimon Watch See Digimon Frontier
Digimon 04 Watch See Digimon Frontier

Digimon Frontier
Watch Takuya Kanbara receives a mysterious message to go to the train station. From there on, he boards a train, to the Digital World. Along with four other companions, they learn the ways of the Digivice, set out to collect all the Digi-Spirits, get home, stop the spread of evil, and restore order to the Digital World.
Digimon: Digital Monsters Watch See Digimon Frontier
High School Girls Rent See Joshikousei: Girl's High

Joshikousei: Girl's High
Rent It's a new year and Eriko has just become a high school student. Together with her friends Yumi and Ayano, they sneak into their new school to check it out. During a bunch of misadventures (Especially where their skirts get cut above the waistline, they bump into Akari, Kyoko, and Ikue who mistake them for Senpais and ask them for advice. Eriko tells them how their allowance goes up 10 times and they only get their period once a year. (Yikes!). After dismissing them , they find out they are in the same class!

Buy Three generations have passed, and the hatred that caused a separation between the Tarak and Mejale empires has not faded. Hibiki, a lowly third class of the male-only Tarak Empire, lives locked in a position of servitude in a society dedicated only to perpetuating the war against the female-only Mejale.

Vandread Taidouhen
Watch The male-only planet of Tarak and the female-only planet of Mejale do not like each other. So when Tarak's newest battleship is launched (built around the original colony ship), some Mejale pirates are determined to capture it. Jettisoning the old original ship from the new battleship, the Tarak military plans to blow it and the pirates to hell. But something happens and both the pirate ship as well as the only three remaining males on the Tarak ship are sent across the galaxy. To further complicate matters, both ships have now merged into a new ship, the Nirvana. In addition, three of the Majale dread fighters and one of the Tarak mecha fighters have been modified by the same substance that fused the two large ships. Now men and women must learn to trust each other as a new enemy appears, one determined to wipe the Universe clear of humanity.
Vandread: Integral Watch See Vandread Taidouhen
Vandread: The Movement Change Watch See Vandread Taidouhen
ヴァンドレッド (Japanese) Buy See Vandread
女子高生 GIRL'S HIGH Rent See Joshikousei: Girl's High

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