Dosanko Gal wa Namaramenkoi

Title:Dosanko Gal wa Namaramenkoi
Hokkaido Gals Are Super Adorable!
Keywords: , , , , , ,
Notables: Animation - BLADE
Animation - SILVER LINK
After his family moved from Tokyo to Hokkaido in the middle of winter, Shiki Tsubasa must find his way to their new home on his own. He encounters local girl Fuyuki Minami, and learns a few things about Hokkaido girls in general.

? episodes
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Unevaluated Stretch [series:4777#628]
(One episode watched):

I took only a handful of notes while watching episode one, most of which went into writing the synopsis. That was because this show was extremely superficial. The characters basically had no character. Instead, Shiki experiences the adventure of a teenage boy's dream as he discovers how casual at least one Hokkaido girl is when it comes to relations with men. Whether it be how scantily clad Fuyuki is during freezing weather, or her willingness to let a virtual stranger into her home alone with her, or her thinking nothing of displaying her ass to him, in every way she is the girl of a guy's dreams. It is clearly not that Hokkaido girls are adorable that matters so much as that they ought to be easy to fuck. Perhaps the reason Shiki is so devoid of personality is so that male viewers can more easily picture themselves in his place. This show is an insult to the people of Japan's northernmost main island. Within a few minutes of the episode beginning it was clear that I would not be watching the remainder of this series.

Last updated Monday, January 15 2024. Created Monday, January 15 2024.

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