Onii-chan wa Oshimai!

Title:Onii-chan wa Oshimai!
ONIMAI: I'm Now Your Sister!
Keywords: , , , , , , ,
Notables: ISHIHARA Kaori
KOONO Marika
Oyama Mahiro is a shut-in who does little but play eroge videogames. One day he awakens to find that his body has been transformed into that of a middle school aged girl. His little sister Mihari, who is a genius already in college after skipping numerous grades, is responsible. She has used him as a human guinea pig for a test of a gender switching drug she has invented. She says he will eventually return to normal ...probably.

12 episodes
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Unevaluated Stretch [series:4610#628]
(Two episodes watched):

I initially found this to be a fun and amusing show which was more complex than most anime comedies. Rather than the cheap and tawdry fare which I was expecting, this show had some wit and by the end of episode one I felt I cared about Mahiro and what would become of him/her. It doesn't rely on ecchi, instead it takes the trouble to delve into the thoughts that might occur to someone whose gender was suddenly switched. By the end of the episode I sort of found that I had forgotten about Mahiro's sordid past and just saw him/her as an average person who had been thrust into a disconcerting situation. I wouldn't say it was LOL funny but it is definitely amusing which is more than most anime comedies can say. I wonder where things will go from where they stand. The version I watched had a fairly lengthy session with the VAs at the end, but it was untranslated.

In episode two, however, a lot of the novelty of this show had worn off. It looks like there won't be much of a plot to it, just little skits about problems a guy transformed into a girl might encounter. Like going to a public bathhouse (and the women's section of it) for the first time. These were not exactly hilarious and I found myself wondering if this show was really anywhere near as good as I had initially thought. What if the problems and challenges of gender bending were taken seriously and protagonist learned many lessons and at the end was offered a choice whether to return to his original sex or remain a girl? That might be intriguing. But I see no signs of anything of the sort happening here.

Last updated Monday, November 06 2023. Created Sunday, January 15 2023.

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