RPG Fudousan

Title:RPG Fudousan
RPG Real Estate
Keywords: , , ,
Notables: Animation - Dogakobo
INOUE Honoka
Kotone Kazairo arrives in Dali, the capital of the Kingdom of Actus, to take up her new job with a small real estate agency, Rent Plan Guide (RPG).

12 episodes
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Unevaluated Stretch [series:4464#628]
(Part of one episode watched)

As might be expected, I had thought this show would be about a Role Playing Game, not the isekai real estate trade. As Kotone goes looking for an apartment for herself I began to feel a sort of deja-vu and remembered that there had already been an anime with this premise, Dragon, Ie wo Kau. And what's more, I enjoyed Dragon- more than I was enjoying this show--and it still wasn't good enough for me to watch it to the end. RPG struck me as silly but shallow; it may be relying on sheer cuteness rather than humor to attract viewers. I doubt if it will have either the laughs or the plot I expect. Not interested! I quickly became bored and quit early. This show is not offensive in any way, but I think it would also be a total waste of my precious time.

Last updated Saturday, April 09 2022. Created Saturday, April 09 2022.

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