One season ends, another begins

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07/02/2009 08:30 PM

Reviews: 2087
Posts: 1346

I have fallen way behind; I'm currently watching week ten episodes of the Spring season, and I'm trying to keep up with fourteen different series. Things weren't made any easier by the fact that I've just returned from a week-and-a-half camping trip with no TV or internet. I find myself struggling to put my computer-house in order for the Summer season. I ran out of memory space at one point even though my computer has twice the usual capacity. Even though I am much more disciplined than I used to be, all sorts of crap accumulates within my folders which demands a seasonal housecleaning. I need to take stock of exactly what I have, decide what I really need, and do some serious deleting. Besides my 14 primary series there are five or so ones which I was downloading half-heartedly, and now I'm racing to find the missing episodes, convert them to VCR player-friendly format and burn them onto DVDs. I usually collect new episodes within my computer as they come out, convert them, burn them onto MPEG4 DVDs once I have enough (there are usually one, two, or zero episodes of each series on the disc), then also send the finished episodes to appropriate series folders so that I can burn DVDs which contain every episode of a series at the end of the season (that's what I need to do now). That means my memory capacity is being strained to the breaking point every three months or so--I've had to move a good deal of data to my auxiliary hard drive. In part, this is because I'm trying to give every new series of a new season a look, and I find that I can't keep up with them all but want to save all but the worst in case I get a chance to watch them later on. One advantage of falling seriously behing is that lately I've been burning DVDs which contain almost every episode of all 14 series for a particular week, which is very convenient.


07/02/2009 09:14 PM

Reviews: 244
Posts: 514

LOL - Hey Stretch, guess what?

It's tough being a reviewer, isn't it? I've been saying it for the longest time and your story reinforces what other people might go through. I'm also chin-deep in anime titles that need reviews, but there isn't enough time in the universe for me to get to them all. I can apprieciate and understand your struggles and wish you the best. LOL

We must strive on somehow...

Violet D

07/03/2009 10:56 AM

Reviews: 131
Posts: 57

Hey I hear both of you and all I can say. Is you can only do what you can do and not stress. It will all work out. I'm still checking out some of the new ones too and the old ones and yes I have quite a few on video I taped from Adult Swim that I watch on my off times. But there is another enough time to watch them in this universe.

Take care, Violet


07/03/2009 02:39 PM

Reviews: 2087
Posts: 1346

Well, I didn't mean to give the impression that I was about to have a nervous breakdown or something like that. Just to give an idea of all the computer bookkeeping which is needed to manage so much data. It's kind of amusing in a way, what with all the trouble I'm prepared to go to to handle such a mass of anime--perhaps this is what it means to be an otaku. In a way, I enjoy getting things organized, solving problems, and winding up with DVDs which contain every episode of a series and can be watched from the comfort of my basement sofa.


01/07/2010 12:04 PM

Reviews: 2087
Posts: 1346

I just added my review of Ladies versus Butlers, which I couldn't stand. On a whim I checked to see how many total reviews I had compiled--and found that this was number 666.

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