Ultra Maniac TV - 2: Boy Meets Girl

Title:Ultra Maniac TV
Episode:2: Boy Meets Girl
Ayu-chan is relieved when Tsujiai-kun promises not to reveal to Kaji-kun her feelings for him. Ayu goes to have cake at Nina's house and meets her human mother. Also visiting is a male childhood friend of Nina's named Yuta. Yuta is about Nina's age, but is very powerful in magic. Yuta loves to play tricks on people, but after a bit, begins to show affection for Ayu. He gets Ayu to go on a date with him, but is she the one he truly wants?
(AstroNerdBoy 22 November 2003)

This episode gave me relief in that the events of the previous episode played a part in this one. The introduction of Yuta from the Magic Kingdom was nice, especially since there was more to him than at first appeared. Typical juvenile male. A sweet and humorous episode.

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