Haibane Renmei - 8: The bird

Title:Haibane Renmei
Episode:8: The bird
Rakka is drowning in doubts and questions [image1], even though Reki is doing the best she can to help her [image2]. But two incidents, at the thrift shop and in the streets of Guri [image3], drive Rakka away from her friends, towards the place she was told not to go [image4]. Finally, she is forced [image5] to remember what she had forgotten - but will this [image6] be of any use now?
(Devil Doll, 2004-01-05):
Until this episode there was very little "adventure" in this series, but this will change now. And suddenly, the narration speed is getting faster.
It took Rakka a long time to understand where to look for the answers, and now that she found the first of them... the first suspense situation of this series is used as a cliffhanger into the second part of this double episode!
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