Title: | Noir |
Episode: | 4: The Sound of Waves |
Synopsis | |
The Atride Corporation is notorious for organizing coups in third-world countries in exchange for money. Mirielle and Kirika take out two Atride executives at a reception, then travel to the country of Ulgia to deal with Hammond, the corporation's president, and his operatives Burke and Wellman. Hammond, however, has been tipped off: he recieves a map with an arrow pointing to a location in Ulgia and the word "Noir"... | |
Comments | |
The two shootouts towards the end of this episode went quickly and seemed almost anti-climactic. I hate the "Rambo Effect", in which the good guys/girls never get scratched yet the villains make easy targets. Also, the subplot involving Hammond's daughter, Rosaly, didn't seem to ammount to much. |