Sidonia no Kishi - 10:

Title:Sidonia no Kishi
In episode ten my intrigue only grew larger and larger, as various plot strands are developed further (Why can't there be more shows like this one?). For one thing, Tanikaze discovers a bizarre leftover from his grandfather's forbidden experiments. Several female (or semi-female) characters would love to have him as their boyfriend, but not in an unrealistic harem-type way. Not everything fits neatly into my understanding of the plot, but it is presented to us in such a slick and engaging manner that I love watching it anyway. Sidonia seems to be a very neat work that uses the tried-and-true 'guy becomes chosen one mecha pilot' premise because everybody like those, but otherwise is pretty novel (though one event in this episode reminded me of Evangelion). It seems unlikely that this story can end with just twelve or 13 episodes (since I don't sense a looming climax yet), which is good news. But if I look forward to a second season too much, no doubt it will turn out to be just an incomplete one-season show in order to punish me!

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