Katanagatari - 02: Blunt, the Decapitator / zantō・namakura

Episode:02: Blunt, the Decapitator / zantō・namakura
I got a little impatient for the action to begin (45-50 minute episodes are a little daunting to me), but episode two turned out to be great fun as well. Katanagatari isn't really laugh-out-loud funny, but it is generally laugh-quietly funny, which is better than most shows. The way the show flits between humor and danger effortlessly was impressive. The climax was sort of touching, actually. A good deal of creativity was evident in the devising of an unusual challenge and a way of overcoming it. Perhaps 50 minute episodes was a good idea, as it gives time to develop the opponent's personality rather than them being villains-of-the-week. Some aren't villains at all, as in episode three.

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