Busou Renkin - 22: The Vital Decision

Title:Busou Renkin
Episode:22: The Vital Decision
As he awaits attack on his remote island, Victor remembers his wife and daughter. An ineffectual barrage of missiles diverts his attention from the landing of Hiwatari and his team of Alchemic Warriors. Meanwhile, Kazuki, Tokiko and Gouta arrive at Newton Apple and find Papillon and Gozen-sama awaiting them. Gozen assures them that "Pappi" is there to help them. They spot the mysterious person Tokiko once encountered in a cavern beneath the school, and pursue. They finally catch up to a blond girl--who Papillon recognizes as a homunculus. The girl offers to lead Kazuki to meet "Mama"; "We'll tell you about your destiny" she says. A furious battle rages between Victor and Hiwatari's team, but he repells all attacks. What's more, he may have reached the third stage of his evolution. The General, observing from a ship offshore, decides to face Victor himself. At Newton Apple Kazuki and his companions are led to a strange chamber. They are addressed by Alexandria, Victor's wife and the developer of the Black Kakugane a century ago; the blond girl is their daughter, Victoria. Chouno quickly grasps that what they've been doing in their subterranean hideout is working on a way to make Victor human again. Everyone is thrilled, as their own prayers seem to have been answered. "How Naive" Victoria says. "Did you think alchemy would bring everyone happiness so simply?"...
Much better than last time! Alexandria and Victoria's appearance opens a whole new can of worms, so to speak, and all sorts of new questions come to mind. Why did they give Tokiko a Black Kakugane? Why are they entrusting the "cure" to Kazuki? Even if Victor becomes human again, what will become of them? I thought the choice Kazuki is required to make was a neat touch; sort of a damned-if-he-does-and-damned-if-he-doesn't decision. It's good to see Papillon is back, and as sarcastic as ever. I'm not sure if Gozen-sama is fun or annoying. This show is best in it's comic or mystery modes; the action is so-so. If the Alchemic regiment has it's own navy, why were only a handful or warriors sent to search for the LXE? If the General is it's most powerful warrior, why didn't he attack Victor rightaway instead of leaving the job to his underlings? Still, things are looking up and I'm especially eager for the next episode.

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