Title: | Kore ga Watashi no Goshujin-sama (TV) |
Episode: | 5: There's A Rumor That A Boy Who's Squarely In The Middle Of The Springtime Of His Youth And Is Living Alone With His Parent's Inheritance In A Vast Mansion Away From The Eyes Of The World, Has Created A World To His Own Tastes Surrounding Himself With Girls He Desires For Them To Serve Him |
Synopsis | |
Mitsuki has a dream involving her parents, her sister, and alligators. Izumi is being given pointless and exhausting tasks by Yoshitaka, in part because he's found that his precious ornamental carp are being devoured by Pochi. A lower-middle aged couple shows up--their parents. They've heard the strange rumors about this place (see the title), have guessed that their daughters are here, and want the girls to come home. Mitsuki refuses because that would seperate her from Pochi, who can't stay in their original home. When her father suggests that Yoshitaka might try something "improper", Izumi replies that that wouldn't be particularly different from the way father used to behave at home. Father and Yoshitaka don't get along so well, and Yoshitaka brings up the tremendous debt the girls owe him. Mother (Mizuho) sees an opportunity to marry into wealth, but Izumi (and father and Anna) won't hear of it. Mitsuki says she wants to live with someone who can get along with her precious Pochi, and assigns him to "protect" Izumi. Now both father and Yoshitaka must compete to earn the alligator's trust... | |
Comments | |
Stretch: Well, we know why the girls ran away from home, though suggestions of incestuous thoughts by father would make a much better motive. I found this episode to be moderately amusing--no laugh-out-loud jokes come to mind. They sure like long episode titles for this series, don't they? |