2004/Gun-action Titles Reviewed By Ian

  Name: Ian
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Reviews: 1
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Action(1) Adventure(1) Drama(1)
Fan Service(1) Fighting(1) Mecha(1)
Release Year
Title Rating Synopsis

Bakuretsu Tenshi
Rent In a near future year, acting in concordance with a General Public Order, the carrying of firearms has been permitted to a restricted and select elite. Major parts of Tokyo have been designated as unrestricted free fire zones. And those that live within these zones suffer a life of oppression and a constant threat of violence. But a movement is underfoot to rebel against the syndicate that controls the city through terror and destruction. Four girls, who at a glance might appear to be adolescent teenagers, show their skills and determination against anyone who might interfere with their work.
Burst Angel Rent See Bakuretsu Tenshi
Burst Angel Boxset Rent See Bakuretsu Tenshi
爆裂天使 Rent See Bakuretsu Tenshi

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