List Titles with NISHIMURA Tomohiro

Title Rating Synopsis
Adeu's Legend Unevaluated See Lord of Lords Ryu Knight: Adeu's Legend

Haou Taikei Ryuu Knight

Adeu the Sonic is a very chivalrous knight who wants to do good and often preaches about what a knight should do. After being robbed by a couple of kids, Adeu finds himself in a western-styled town where the Menchi (meat) brothers are causing trouble with their mecha devices. Adue also has a mecha which he summons, known as Ryu Knight Zephyr. Witnessing his acts of chivary are Paffy-hime, her big traveling companion Izumi, and the ninja Sarutobi (also with Paffy-hime). Because they are travelling in the same direction, Adeu ends up travelling with Paffy-hime's party where he soon discovers that Sarutobi also has a Ryu mecha known as Ryu Ninja Bakuretsumaru. He then discovers that Paffy has Ryu Mage Magidora and that Izumi has Ryu Priest Baurus. Together, this group will fight evil as they take their journey. But just how many people have Ryu-mecha? Will Adeu grow so that he is no longer a baka?

Lord of Lord Ryu Knight OAV Unevaluated See Lord of Lords Ryu Knight: Adeu's Legend
Lord of Lords Ryu Knight Watch See Haou Taikei Ryuu Knight

Lord of Lords Ryu Knight: Adeu's Legend

This OAV is a remake of Lord of Lords Ryu Knight and tells of Adeu's attempt to become the best knight in the land.

Ryu Knight Watch See Haou Taikei Ryuu Knight
覇王大系リューナイト Watch See Haou Taikei Ryuu Knight

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