List Titles with KOIDE Hikaru

Title Rating Synopsis

Musekinin Galaxy Tylor
Unevaluated Banjo Tylor is a distant descendant of the famous captain Justy Tylor, though you wouldn't know it as he works collecting garbage along with his robot assistant, Yamamoto. One day, the two of them come upon a wrecked spaceship that contains in suspended animation Princess Goza the 168th, a long missing ruler of Justy's time.
The Irresponsible Galaxy Tylor Unevaluated See Musekinin Galaxy Tylor

Unevaluated The adventures of the girls in the Usakame High School tennis club.
うさかめ Unevaluated See Usakame
無責任ギャラクシー☆タイラー Unevaluated See Musekinin Galaxy Tylor

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