List Titles with HAYAMI Hiroshi

Title Rating Synopsis

Kyuuketsuki Miyu (TV)
Rent Evil Shinma - shape-shifting monsters and vampires - roam the Earth on a mission to unleash their darkness upon the Human race. Vampire Miyu from the dark is the Chosen One - the one being who must banish the Evil Shinma from the Earth. She has the power to offer Humans the gift of eternal happiness, yet is herself trapped between two worlds; destined for perpetual solitude and internal conflict.
Kyuuketsuki Miyu TV Rent See Kyuuketsuki Miyu (TV)
Vampire Princess Miyu (TV) Rent See Kyuuketsuki Miyu (TV)
吸血姫美夕 (TV) Rent See Kyuuketsuki Miyu (TV)

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