CG animation Titles

CG animation: (Style) Anime of this style are using (a significant amount of) computer generated animation / 3D animation.

Title Rating Synopsis
Vexille Watch See Vexille - 2077 Isolation of Japan (movie)

Vexille - 2077 Isolation of Japan (movie)
Watch Concerns over the implications of the advancements in biotechnology and robotics, and their effects on the human body and humanity finally erupted in 2067. The United Nations deemed certain advanced technologies and research trends in cybernetics to be a dangerous threat. They decided to impose strong restrictions and instituted global surveillance on prevent any misuse and abuse. And while the world accepted the decision, Japan stood alone in disagreement. Under the influence of the Daiwa company, the government of Japan refused to their halt biotech research and withdrew from the UN, created electronic barriers to restrict communications, travel and surveillance, and isolated itself from the world. Now some ten years later, word gets out about problems in Japan, suggesting that they may be up to something. It falls upon an American special forces unit named SWORD to infiltrate and uncover the truth hidden behind Japan’s electronic veil.
Vexille - 2077 Nihon Sakoku Watch See Vexille - 2077 Isolation of Japan (movie)
えんとつ町のプペル Rent See Entotsu Machi no Poupelle
アップルシード Rent See Appleseed (2004)
ベクシル 2077日本鎖国 Watch See Vexille - 2077 Isolation of Japan (movie)
ホッタラケの島 -遥と魔法の鏡- (Japanese) Watch See Hottarake no Shima - Haruka to Maho no Kagami
聖闘士星矢 Legend of Sanctuary Watch See Saint Seiya: Legend of Sanctuary
虫籠のカガステル Rent See Mushikago no Cagaster
Action(6) Adventure(4) Comedy(1) Drama(2)
Fantasy(3) Sci-Fi(6)
All Ages(1) Children(1) Shounen(2)
Characters and Their Abilities
Story Elements and Location
Mecha(2) War(1)
Gun-action(1) Sequel(1) Spinoff(1) Video-game inspired(1)
Potentially Objectionable
Movie(7) ONA(1) TV Special(1)
Release Year
2023(1) 2020(2) 2014(1) 2009(1) 2008(1) 2007(1) 2005(1) 2004(1)
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