Leadale no Daichi nite

Title:Leadale no Daichi nite
In the Land of Leadale
Keywords: , , ,
Notables: Animation - Maho Film
The last thing she knew, she was in a hospital intensive care unit. Now she has taken on the body of Cayna, her High Elf avatar from the video game Leadale, and is in a game-like alternate reality. Somehow 200 years have passed in Leadale since her last gaming session, and she wonders if she is the only character who is actually a real-world person.

12 episodes
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Unevaluated Stretch [series:4425#628]
(Two episodes watched):

In a number of ways, the premise of Leadale reminds me of Overlord: Cayna was once a high level, highly feared and respected character, who has a monumental building devoted to her as a symbol of the power she once wielded; and she now wonders if any other players might still exist within this game which has come to life. Otherwise, this is a kind of goofy and modestly amusing show, unlike Overlord. As such, it also reminds me of some recent isekai series like the one about the girl who slowly but surely attains amazing status by killing lowly slimes, or the one about the sorceress who only wants to be left alone, etc, etc. But I soon tired of those shows and didn't watch them to completion, so I hoped Leadale had something unique. The way Cayna winds up in Leadale is fairly unusual; she theorizes that a power outage may have killed her physical body in a hospital but somehow transferred her mind to Leadale. Of course that's about as far as the theorizing goes, and she doesn't wonder if she will ever see her parents again, or if she will die of old age in Leadale, or anything like that. Such things distract from the sword and sorcery in isekai stories. I didn't know how deep, complex and engaging this show would get (probably not very), so I watched episode two. I had thought that the search for other real-world players might be interesting; even after season three Overlord had made virtually no progress in that direction. But episode two made no progress either. Instead, Cayna pays a visit to her three children in the capital city, which was (again), goofy, dopey stuff. This was all seeming very lightweight and unremarkable to me, and I decided to drop it.

Last updated Thursday, November 03 2022. Created Wednesday, January 12 2022.

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