Disappointing start of 2010

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03/28/2010 03:19 AM

Reviews: 74
Posts: 17

Many series have ended, and I am frankly extremely disappointed. Ookamikakushi is a total failure. lets not even go there. To Aru kagaku no railgun ended in a very cliche and cheezy way. So did so ra no wo to. Ending of Omamori himari did not prove to be anything other than mundane. Nodame Finale is just totally flat. And I am watching Brotherhood just for the sake of finishing it. Where did the quality go?


03/28/2010 11:16 AM

Reviews: 2087
Posts: 1346

This reminds me of Quality and Quantity of Fall '09 Anime, a topic I initiated myself last fall. I'm only on week eight shows right now, so I can't say for sure how I'll like them as a whole, but my impression up to this point has been that the Winter season is significantly better than the Fall one had been. I think I'm watching all of the shows on the Current Favorites list which premiered in January, and whereas last Fall I quit a number of shows after one or two episodes, I haven't given up on any of these (though several are walking the line). However, It looks like my hopes may be dashed if I largely agree with your conclusions. I think what we are seeing here is the general trend in the anime industry of avoiding unconventional ideas during a recession, and instead going with 'proven' genres, which has the effect of reducing risk but also quashing originality. For instance, there will always be a market for fanservice, so just load a show with boobs and panties (Ladies vs. Butlers, Qwaser, Chu-Bra) and it is guaranteed to do fairly well.


03/29/2010 02:31 AM

Reviews: 74
Posts: 17

Indeed. But my advice is that you should stay away from Ookamikakushi at all cost. It is THAT bad. Total waste of time, really.


03/29/2010 12:22 PM

Reviews: 478
Posts: 532

Well it really depends on your style.
I happened to like Railgun, it fit in with the whole index universe. Remember railgun is a stand alone, while it isn't as good as Index, is it a horrible title? No way.

Himari was just a show. It didn't teach you anything.

Now for the real brain shut off show, that's Baka To test. It's exists to solely make fun of all Anime cliches. I did not learn a single thing. But I laughed and laughed and laughed. And it didn't depend on breast sucking, clothes ripping, underwear lovers or any other 'perverse' fetishs to accomplish it's comedy. It took 8 anime cliches (Stupid Hero, big boobed girl, tsundere girl, yandere girl, picture boy, hidden general boy, way extreme teacher, trap boy) and just had each of them do the stupidest things. It's like watching I LOVE LUCY as an anime. You know what's going to happen to them but you want to see just how funny it can get. (Correction, I did learn how the 'Ancient Art of War' is fought)

A good 'quality' show was Letter Bee. A show about people's hearts and without a telephone just how important delivering simple letters are.

I couldn't hold myself to Nodame. This section of the manga also lost me so I'm not surpised the anime didn't hold me either.

Durarara is the show to watch if you hated the Wolf one. It's smart, well written, and just plain WEIRD.

Edited on 03/29/2010 06:35 PM.


03/30/2010 01:35 AM

Reviews: 74
Posts: 17

I did not get Letter Bee at all, but I do agree with you on Baka Test and Durarara. Together with cross game, these are the saving grace for an otherwise disappointing season.

As for Railgun, it started out fine, but it's ending makes me want to vomit blood. Himari and So Ra No Wo To could have ended a lot better. But didn't.


03/30/2010 12:28 PM

Reviews: 478
Posts: 532

My peeve is kiddygirl...that is a piece of crap.

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