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04/22/2010 04:23 AM

Reviews: 244
Posts: 514

After reading stacks of info, I've narrowed down the three parts to download links that have always had me stumped. I'll bold the points of interest in this example:

What I read so far and would like to know:

1. Is the 'iud' really something of a PDF file?
2. Does the '7z' need compressing/decompressing from winzip?
3. the 001,002,003. How can I combine the 3 parts of one video or do I just watch it in pieces?

Does anyone know what this all means?

Devil Doll

04/22/2010 09:33 AM

Reviews: 365
Posts: 1574

The sequential numbering of the files indicates they are parts of one larger file that have been created due to the transport requirements (such as a file size limit on a server). These parts need to be concatenated to one single huge file before being processed any further; there are many tools that can do this (my file manager, for example).

After joining these parts you'll get one compressed archive, apparently created by the 7z compression/archiver mechanism. In order to use the content you need a program to extract & uncompress the content. The 7zip community has their own website at providing the necessary tools. WinZip version 12.1 claims to support 7zip archive extraction (but not creation) so you might already possess the tool in question.

As for the "iud" I have no idea what this refers to. But as the file is compressed in a way not related to video data processing in particular you probably won't be able to watch it before restoring the original format.

Edited on 04/22/2010 09:39 AM.


04/22/2010 02:12 PM

Reviews: 244
Posts: 514

Thanks DD. I think I know how to begin dealing with these types of files now.

P.S. - I found that 'iud' is the title of the anime. Namely, Ichiban Ushiro no Daimao. It was one of those 'Daaaaa' moments....


04/22/2010 02:22 PM

Reviews: 478
Posts: 532


I tend to stay FAR WAY from anime that is zipped. There should be no possible reason to Zip or 7Zip a 300Mb file unless they intend to put a virus in there.

The only reason I can see that anime needs to be zipped up when it is a DVD release and Ichiban (I like this anime btw) is too new to have a DVD release.


04/22/2010 02:44 PM

Reviews: 244
Posts: 514

I agree Forbin. I thought about that as well, but I see no other way to get my hands on the uncensored (true) version, besides waiting for it on DVD. I just don't want to miss another anime on the count of such a stupid reason - like with Qwaser. I had an "unfortunate experience" with trying to stream the uncensored Qwaser so a direct download with IUD seems like a better approach.

I can't say that its the best source available, but the other viewers there are downloading the links and are having a blast with the show. I could e-mail you the source and you could look at it yourself and tell me what you think if you want?

...And thank you for watching my back with the warning.

Edited on 04/22/2010 02:47 PM.


04/22/2010 08:11 PM

Reviews: 478
Posts: 532

For Ichiban, why aren't you just torrenting it. TT has a ful list last time I checked.


04/22/2010 09:37 PM

Reviews: 244
Posts: 514

Of the uncensored version?


04/22/2010 10:48 PM

Reviews: 599
Posts: 593

Yep... the uncensored version (but it usually comes out some 1-2 weeks after the cleaned up release)

I think that the censored version is aired on public TV, while the uncensored release is on satellite cable.


04/22/2010 11:04 PM

Reviews: 244
Posts: 514

That sucks. Am I going to have to try this torrent stuff again?


04/23/2010 01:57 PM

Reviews: 478
Posts: 532

Again? Some sites let you d/l it direct. Some....


04/29/2010 12:32 PM

Reviews: 244
Posts: 514

On to another technical issue...

How in the world did AstroNerdBoy in (this post) get his picture changed?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?


04/29/2010 02:22 PM

Reviews: 599
Posts: 593

Don't really know the process, but it involves visiting the site that is providing these images ( ), getting a login ID and then tracking down where your image is being generated from.

You probably have noticed that each of us have our own fixed 'avatar' image, so Rebecca probably set up some link between MIKOMI and GRAVATAR such that each MIKOMI user account has it's own image generated and spawned from the GRAVATAR site.


04/29/2010 02:49 PM

Reviews: 244
Posts: 514

Wow. That sounds unnecessarily difficult. I'll think about doing it one of these days.....

Thanks Jan-chump (LOL).

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