R1-Dist Section 23

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01/06/2010 03:39 PM

Reviews: 478
Posts: 532

For JC

Is it important to list the distributor? I was wondering since the distributor really doesn't have anything to do with the Anime compared to the Licensor.

That's like listing Amazon or Rightstuf just because they Distribute the anime. It's only slightly higher than Seller of Anime.

It was all the new Section 23 stuff that reminded me. I know that Section23 is from ADV, but it's Sentai that's important not Section23

Edited on 01/06/2010 03:39 PM.


01/06/2010 04:50 PM

Reviews: 599
Posts: 593

Forbin ... pls stop it...

I just spend some two hours putting together a high level (or overview) assessment of just what the dickens happened to ADV and why section23 is (and is not) important. To make things even worse (and more muddled), there that dern confusing wiki posting for ↗Section23 Films which appears to treat the two companies as one... ???

We had the same thing with CPM, which held the R1-license and used 4 other divisions to distribute their titles.

If needed, we can always delete the entry, but I suspect that Section23 may be used by Japanese-based R1-licensing companies to bring their titles to the US market place.

Well... read my article and give it some thought. I am trying to find a position that will best permit us to document and track new anime releases.

I know tis a bit confusing (and I am bit muddle headed at the moment). More later

Edited on 01/06/2010 05:04 PM.


01/06/2010 05:09 PM

Reviews: 599
Posts: 593

Random thought ... with ADV Films gone, their titles have been transferred to either AEsir or to Sentai Filmworks. AEsir is a holding company which will not license any new titles, so I don't want to add it to our list. So I added Section23 (as a DISTRIB) to hold the place of those ADV titles - not with Sentai - but still licensed (by AEsir) and in production.

Does this make even a lick of sense???


01/06/2010 05:49 PM

Reviews: 478
Posts: 532

I list AEsir since they hold the title instead of Section23. They are the proper holder. Section23 could vanish and AESir would still hold the title and could choose to distribute through say 'Rightstuf'

Edited on 01/06/2010 06:06 PM.


01/06/2010 06:05 PM

Reviews: 599
Posts: 593

GRRRR!!!!! You are probably right, but I didn't even know that the AEsir holding company existed until a few hours ago.

And so far, I have not been able to get a complete list of what titles AEsir actually holds. Some of ADV titles (now with AEsir) have been dropped and will never be rereleased, while others appear to be on the fast track ...

Mania.com is reporting that AEsir has just released a new boxed set of Puchi Puri Yushi.

If I can get a good and clean list of the actual titles that AEsir is holding, then I will make the changes, but at this point there still seems to be a lot of backroom activity associated with the ADV reorg. I can always change it later.

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