FIXED: Problems with the (asterisc) indent feature

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09/27/2008 12:47 PM

Reviews: 599
Posts: 593

Once upon a time, the * indent feature did only one thing. It indented a line and inserted a bullet point (solid round ball).

Something changed, and now this * feature adds an extra carriage-return (or <.br>) above and below each indented line (or at the start and the end of each bullet).

This new 'feature' is causing a number of problems, which could easily be seen in this series. There are times in which we would like to add one empty line between bullet point lists, but due to the 'new feature' adding one <cr> between bullets results in 3X<cr>


09/27/2008 01:24 PM

Reviews: 23
Posts: 773

That's not a feature. =p That's a bug. That's not an intended change, I'll look into fixing it.

Edit: So I'm pretty sure this is a result of my change to how paragraphs are rendered. I used to render them by slapping detected paragraphs into <p> tags, but this caused unwanted white space at the top and bottom of rendered text. So I changed it to stuffing a pair of <br>s between the detected paragraphs. What's going on here is that browsers ignore the paragraph tags wrapping an unordered list, but they don't ignore the explicit request for new lines.

Anyway, all that said, I believe it's fixed now (and other cases that would be like it). If you ever see anything weird formatting wise (or you'd just like to see changes) please don't hesitate to say so. Fixing those things is really easy.

Edited on 09/27/2008 01:34 PM.


09/27/2008 01:44 PM

Reviews: 599
Posts: 593

The term (quote) 'feature' carries over from my Siemens days.... in which they tried to claim that (quote) 'that is not a bug, it's a feature!!'. To which we could only reply: Yah, right ... what ever ....

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